Wednesday, 28 March 2007

Tomorrow I have a depressing amount of Chemistry. Its twice the amount anyway, in lessons, but then on top I have to do an hour of coursework and a 40 minute test. 3h40. I dont think I've ever done that much Chemistry in one day.

But on the other hand, tomorrow is a good day. It is one step further than today, and twice as far as yesterday. e.g. I have maths! And we're doing 'Mag-Pi's' as I call them.

Mag-Pi is just basically the multiplication series sign that is denoted by a large (or rather capital) Pi. Its Magnificent and its magnifyed. Hence Mag-Pi. There are also Magpies in our school gardens, but these are more of the traditional, black, white and greedy beasties that reguarly chase the squirrels up the pear trees.

Today in Band (I play the trumpet), Antonia and I resolved to play our parts really loud. We have a little bit of an issue with the 'first' trumpeter. She thinks shes so good she should play first all the time - I'm ony quoting what she said - and that everyone compliments her ("Me, not the flutes or the clarinets, they said I was good and not them"). Anyway, we have rather gotten sick of this attitude. It would maybe be bearable if she actually back up these claims, but she plays as quite as a mouse and noone can hear her. So since the beginning of the year me and Antonia have been doubling on the first part with her, to make it audible, but we've finally had enough. Guess what our music teacher said today? "I can't hear the first trumpet". Our point precisely. She is a good player, I'll give her that, but she's not cut out for big band or orchestra playing when you have to make a noise above ppp. I'm not brilliant at always hitting the notes, but I at least welly them good and hard, and antonia can play loud and accurately. Us two always alternate parts so that we know all the music and are versatile musicians. But She (Her Majesty, as we call her now) wont play 2nd or 3rd because she doesnt know them. If she was truely as good as she makes out, she would be able to sight read both parts with no mistakes.

Anyway, enough of that issue! It's been bugging me for weeks and I can't say much because one of my best friends is friends with her.

Today also, there were two Canada geese on the Duddon Estuary. They were beautiful! Gliding along the water like they had no cares in the world!

Sunday, 25 March 2007

So why a Great Northern Diver?

Well originally it wasn't going to be . Originally it was a Wren, because they're very cute, fluffy and also my favorite garden bird.

But then I thought about the name. No humour in it. Find out (if you dont know already) the other name for a great northern diver. It's very appropriate.

Loons laugh under water to one another (if you've never heard it, find yourself a lake and wait for a Loon, then listen. Or rather, a pair of Loons. It'd be a rather lonely loon that laughed to itself. Anyway, I diverge), and they seem generally cheerful but slightly odd. You can imagine having a conversation with a loon going something like this

'Oh hello there Mrs Loon'

'Heehehehehe Hello to you too hehe. How are you?'

'Absolutely brilliant old bean'

'Hehehahaehe I'm not an old bean. I'm a young bean, in fact, I'm not quite a bean at all hehehe I'm a loon. Hehehahahehe'

'I can see that!'

'Well (hehe) why did you call me an old (heha) bean? hehehe'

'It's a figure of speech and all that... Anyway, have you seen Hilde lately?'

'You mean that loveehehely swan'

'I do indeed'

'No. Hehehaheheha'

And so on.